Meet H. Erin Nelson, Author
“Choose a path you enjoy in life and your work becomes play!”
~ H. Erin Nelson ~
Published Author: 2012-Present. Over a decade of wonderful stories!
I LOVE LIFE and have a true passion for exploring all it has to offer. I sometimes get totally lost in my writing and web designing because I enjoy it so intensely, and I feel it is the most desirable work to put my time into. I also love a good challenge and reaching my goals in my work and in life is what I’m always striving for. Accomplishment takes root through happiness & contentment, passion & perseverance, and faith & integrity. I lift my head up high and thank God for the opportunities to pursue my purpose.
Founder / Owner of Bibletoons Foundation
Date: Aug 2016 – Present
Donations that fund Christian books for children worldwide. Bibletoons Foundation is a Christ-Centered organization using extreme faith and dedication to reach children around the globe with God’s Word through the wonderful Bibletoons Series. Every donation received is blessed and then used toward the purchase of books and shipped to children’s organizations daily.
Accomplishments, Signings, Honors & Awards:
- Publisher For Life Addendum (Lifetime Publishing Award/Contract)
- Berkshire Dream Center Children’s Story Time/Book Signing
- Barnes & Noble Book Signing/Story Time, Pittsfield, MA
- First Presbyterian Church, Oneida, NY Story Hour and Book Signing event.
- To Love a Child, Cindy Schmehl, Executive Director (3 Book Signing Events): Publik House, Malta, NY, 9-11pm
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, Chili Cook-Off, Book Signing/Story Hour, Troy, NY
- Eastern Hills Bible Church, Book Signing/Story Hour. I spoke to four different groups of children!
- Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Enfield, CT. Book Signing/Story Time. 2 separate events.
- Canastota Public Library Book Signing/Story Time (2 separate events)
- Whitelaw Presbyterian Church Guest Speaker, Children’s Christmas Program
- 53rd, 54th, 55th Whitelaw Annual Old Home Day, Bibletoons tent/Book Signing, Whitelaw, NY
- Kwanis of Saratoga Springs Charity Event. Silent Auction Table, Bibletoons Basket
- Radio Interview on with Todd Emanuelli, WMCR-FM 106.3, Oneida, NY, at the Whitelaw Old Home Day, Whitelaw, NY..My Dad called me on my cell right after my interview to tell me he heard it on the radio in his booth at the NYS Thruway, Canastota Exit! He went to be with the Lord 2 and a half months later. I’ve never seen him so proud. Thanks, Dad. xoxo
- Radio broadcast Interview with Todd Emanuelli on WMCR-FM 106.3, Oneida, NY
- Radio and TV interview on “Good Morning, Pittsfield” with John Krol
- Berkshire Christian School Guest Speaker, Lenox, MA
- Apple Squeeze Festival Book tent/Book Signing, (2 years), Lenox, MA
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, Live Nativity, Book Signing/Promotion of Miracle in Bethlehem. (My daughter Meghan drove over an hour to this event and surprised me!)
- Jervis Public Library 3rd Annual Children’s Author Extravaganza, Rome, NY
- Chosen for WORLDWIDE WHO’S WHO Honored Member
- Radio Interview with Linda Wimmer on WMCR-FM 106.3, Oneida, NY, at the Whitelaw Old Home Day, Whitelaw, NY
- Barnes & Noble Book Signing/Storytime, Dewitt/Syracuse, NY
- Guest on the radio: “Berkshire Viewpoint,” Donna Todd Rivers, Pittsfield, MA
- Book Signing at Living Word Parable Christian Store, Latham, NY
- Book Signing/Sales Booth at the Diocese of Albany Convention, Speculator, NY
- Northway Church, Berkshires, Sunday School Speaker/Story Time/Book Signing
- JKJ Boxing, Book Signing Table/Book Signing at 5 events.
- Oneida Lake Congregational Church Book Signing/Story Time, Sylvan Beach, NY
- Promoted the Bibletoons series on 5 trips with my sister outside the USA: Grand Cayman Island, Cancun, Mexico, Puerto Vallarta, 2 trips to Aruba
- Bible Belt Book Tour to 50+ South Carolina churches, children’s centers, libraries & North Greenville University
Always on my way to an event!
- “PARISHIONER OF THE YEAR” AWARD, Church on the Hill, Lenox, MA
- Web Designer with my business: WorldHorizons Web. I’ve been designing sites for 30 years!
- Graphic Design artwork for Berkshire Cleaners sign. Design also used for summer billboard in Pittsfield, MA
- Graphic Design artwork for Aroma Bar & Grill used for shopping cart advertising at Pittsfield, MA Price Chopper
Bay Path College
Field Of Study: Travel Administration
Bay Path Junior College was a turning point in my life, bringing integrity and stamina into my journey. I learned structure, discipline and etiquette at college, aside from my trade, and I am proud of all the accomplishments that have excelled me into a productive and caring lifestyle. I remember a very wise and beautiful lady whom had a tremendous impact on my life and to whom I remember to this day; In Memory of the President of Bay Path, 1981, Dean Wright.
Institute of Children’s Literature, W. Redding, Connecticut
Degree: Diploma with Honors
Field Of Study: Creative Children’s Literature
Through my sister Kirsten’s prompting and support, she handed me an ad from a magazine for this course.
I wrote a childhood story, “The Days the Cows Got Out,” which was chosen for acceptance into the Institute of Children’s Literature. Throughout the course, I wrote a collective series of short stories for edit and grades.
Preliminary work for my Bibletoons series of stories began in this course!
Adventure with Noah book signing Saturday Jan 28, 2012 at the Publik House in Malta, NY from 9 – 11 pm. Come and join us and Cindy Schmehl’s “To Love a Child” organization for a wonderful evening.
Comment by H Erin Nelson Author
H. Erin Nelson

Through the years of my lifetime, I have been Blessed to participate in several activities that I have been accredited kindly for. Among these credentials are the following:
July 20, 2019: The Berkshire Dream Center: Book Signing/Story Hour. 475 Tyler St, Pittsfield, MA
Berkshire Dream Center, 475 Tyler Street. Invited by Pastor Katelynn Miner.
My daughter, Meghan and Son-in-Law, Ramzy were there!
2012: First Presbyterian Church, Oneida, NY Story Hour and Book Signing event. 
MARCH 4, 2012: Whitelaw Presbyterian Church, Whitelaw, NY.
Book Signing, Presentation/Story Hour. Invited Pastor Donna Chapman, CRE. and Lori K. Smith, Sunday School Coordinator:
“Had the best day today with Erin Nelson! She came to our church to present to our Sunday School children and read some of her new Children’s book Bibletoons, Adventure with Noah. I was so happy to see her and have her be part of our church community. Love the story and can’t wait to finish the book, Erin!”
2012 and 2013: Apple Squeeze Festival Book tent/Book Signing, (2 years), Lenox, MA.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2012: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Enfield, CT.
Book Signing/Story Time at 10am. Invited by Audrey Cushing, Youth Leader.

Erin Nelson will be joining us on September 9th to share her book, Adventure with Noah, with the Sunday School Children.
The story is about Percy Porcupine who is desperate for some excitement in his life. Come learn about his journey with God in this wonderful new book! This is an exciting opportunity for the children to meet an author! There will be 9 additional Bibletoons books published in this series. Please join us promptly at 10 a.m.”
2013: Eastern Hills Bible Church, Manlius, NY.
Back home in Massachuetts after a wonderfully successful and fulfilling week with family, friends and precious children! I was Blessed to get several of my Bibletoons books to the children of Eastern Hills Bible Church in Manlius, NY after speaking to 4 different groups there! Such a special and blessed event!
Thursday, November 13, 2014: Oneida Lake Congregational Church Book Signing/Music Variety Show with local professional musicians and groups from all over Madison County will perform!
2508 Route 31, Canastota (Near Sylvan Beach), NY.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015: Whitelaw Presbyterian Church’s Children’s Christmas Program. 9:30am – noon. Book Signing and Church Presentation. Invited by Lori K. Smith, Sunday School Coordinator.
Tired from a long but very fun day… Thanks again!
Comment from Lori K. Smith, Sunday School Coordinator: “The kids couldn’t stop talking about it at youth group and Logan took her book to bed to read before she went to sleep. Time to curl up with a copy and snuggle in bed.”
MARCH 31, 2015: Jervis Public Library 3rd Annual Children’s Author Extravaganza, Rome, NY
SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2013: Radio Interview on WMCR-FM 106.3 by Todd Emanuelli at the 55th Annual Whitelaw Old Home Day, Whitelaw, NY.
Successful & fun day at the 55th Annual Whitelaw Old Home Day Festival at Whitelaw Presbyterian Church!!♡ ..with my “Bibletoons” book signing tent w/display & raffle..and I was interviewed on WMCR-FM 106.3 by Todd Emanuelli again! Great day!! Thanks for being there w/me, Tony!
My Dad called me on my cell right after my interview to tell me he heard it on the radio in his booth at the Canastota Thruway! He went to be with the Lord 2 and a half months later. I’ve never seen him so proud. xoxo
JUNE 29, 2013: Barnes & Noble: Book Signing/Storytime, Syracuse (Dewitt) NY
Raymour & Flanigan Plaza, 3454 Erie Boulevard East. Invited by Nick Bennett, Community Relations Manager.
(Left) Bibletoons–right next to God on the shelf!
(Above) My Dad, sister Kirsten, nephew JP and Aunt Mary (sitting down).
THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013: Radio Interview with Todd Emanuelli on WMCR-FM 106.3, Oneida, NY
Interview at 9:00am with Todd Emanuelli, WMCR-FM 106.3, Mornings and Resident Sports Director. Invited by Linda Wimmer, WMCR-FM 106.3, Weekday Afternoons and Wednesday’s “Learn & Laugh With Linda.” (Interview: Growing up in Canastota, NY & life as an author, Barnes & Noble Book upcoming Book Signing/Storytime on June 29th.)
MARCH 28, 2013, Taconic High School, Pittsfield, MA. 7:30am, Radio and TV interview on “Good Morning, Pittsfield” with John Krol (Link to come)
Invited by John Krol, Good Morning, Pittsfield and John Vosburg, Principal.
Public Access Channel 17, WTBR-FM 89.7 Radio.
RE: Promoting “Bibletoons: Book One, Adventure with Noah”
On my daughter, Meghan’s, 23rd birthday! I gave her a special shout-out!
APRIL 21, 2012 & DECEMBER 19, 2015: Canastota Public Library Book Signing/Story Time (2 separate events).

Picture from April 21, 2012: with my Aunt Mary Mero.
2014-2017: JKJ Championship Boxing, Book Signing Table/Book Signing at 5 events.
Invited by Jay Johnson, Owner and website client of mine at Worldhorizons Web.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2012: Berkshire Christian School, Guest Speaker/Book Signing
At “Chapel Time” led by Nick Winnard, 8:15am, at Hope Church, 259 Kemble Street, Lenox, MA. Invited by Heidi Dickerson, Principal.
“WORLDWIDE WHO’S WHO RECOGNIZES H. ERIN NELSON AS AN HONORED MEMBER. Richard Someck, Vice President Honors H. Erin Nelson. 2012-2013
THE ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDUAL HAS QUALIFIED FOR INCLUSION IN THE CAMBRIDGE WHO’S WHO REGISTRY OF EXECUTIVES, PROFESSIONALS AND ENTREPRENEURS 2012-2013 EDITION” For accomplishments as a successful Author, Web Designer/Owner of WorldHorizons WebCenter, Graphic Designer, Public Speaker, $360,000 Capital Funds Campaign Chairperson, Vast Church Positions, Pioneer Girls Leader, Professional Photographer and Christian Mentor.
AUGUST 4, 2012: Radio Interview with Linda Wimmer on WMCR-FM 106.3 at Whitelaw Old Home Day.
Canastota (Whitelaw), NY. August 4, 2012. “Bibletoons” book signing tent.
JULY 21, 2012: Book Signing/Storytime at Barnes & Noble
555 Hubbard Avenue, Pittsfield, MA, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Invited by Barnes & Noble Managerial Staff.
(Left) On the shelf at B & N
(Above) My daughter Meghan and our CT guests, Tony and me!
My Barnes & Noble book signing is listed on the NEWS CHANNEL 13 Events page!
Dear, Sweet Wendy…it was so great meeting you and your four beautiful children at my Barnes & Noble Storytime & Book Signing Saturday. Thank you so much for being there and participating!! Your children are an absolute JOY to be around, and I’m so glad I had the privilege of meeting them all! I hope you are enjoying “Bibletoons: Book One, Adventure with Noah”!! God Bless you all! I’ll see you around! † †
JULY 18, 2012: Guest on the radio: Berkshire Viewpoint, 1340AM, with Donna Todd Rivers
JULY 18, 2012: On the radio! Guest on “Berkshire Viewpoint.” 1340AM, Pittsfield, MA, Wednesday,11 – 1pm. Invited by Host Donna Todd Rivers to promote “Bibletoons: Book One, Adventure with Noah” / upcoming Book Signing/Storytime at Barnes & Noble, Pittsfield.
11-2pm, 952 Troy Schenectady Road, Latham, NY. Invited by Owner, Rich Cretaro.
Book Signing at the wonderful LIVING WORD PARABLE CHRISTIAN STORE in LATHAM, NY! Saturday, June 23, 11:00a-2:00p. Stop by and say hello! Bring friends and little will be a great family event! Location: 952 Troy Schenectady Road, Latham, NY (Peter Harris Plaza)

JUNE 8-10, 2012: Book Signing Booth with the Empire Haiti Coalition at the Diocese of Albany Convention
June 8-10, 2012 at CAMP-of-the-WOODS, 106 Downey Ave., Speculator, NY. Invited by Albany Diocese Member, Cindy Zawislan Schmehl (To Love a Child). For Bibletoons: Book One, Adventure with Noah. A huge success!
FEBRUARY 4, 2012: St. John’s Episcopal Church. Book Signing/Story Hour/Character Coloring Contest.

April, 2012: To Love a Child Fundraiser, Invited by Founder and Executive Director Cindy Schmehl (3 Book Signing Events): Publik House, Malta, NY, 9-11pm
2001 issued by Market America, Inc. Received award for the most sales of Market America Health Care Products in Western Massachusetts. Honored at Regional Convention on Long Island, NY.
2001 Issued by Market America, Inc., for excelling in Sales of Health Care Products. 125 customers buying monthly. Received award at the Regional Convention in Worcester, MA. Over 4,500 in attendance.
September, 1990 issued by The Church on the Hill, Lenox, Massachusetts:
Coordinator/Chairperson: $200,000 Capital Funds Campaign.
Exceeded goal/raised over $360,000 (w/120 church members/community outreach).
Coordinator of eight committees and planning procedures for the campaign through a Systemized Manual. Preached a sermon (received standing ovation), Organizer/Speaker of Advanced Gifts Giving Dinner/Fundraiser, Organizer/Speaker at The Church on the Hill Dinner/Meeting/Fundraiser at the Lenox House Restaurant, Lenox, MA (over 300 in attendance), ran all Campaign Meetings. Purpose of Campaign: to raise money for a new Chapel roof, to paint the Church and to repair the church’s antique Johnson organ. Number of Members: 120. Church Campaign Motto: “Let the Spires Inspire.” 1990-1993.
A special “THANKS!!!” to all (over 100!) of you who purchased Bibletoons: Book One, “Adventure with Noah” before it was even released nationwide! The release date was April 17th, 2012. I am so pleased with all the enthusiasm!! My numerous book signings and story hours have been a success and so much fun, too. I love spreading joy through my writing and appreciate all your excitement! Give a special gift for the little loved ones in your life…a gift you will all treasure forever!

Another passion of mine that goes hand-in-hand with writing, creating and using my imagination! Let’s take the journey together!…
AUGUST 2016 – PRESENT: #4 Ambassador out of 1.8 million people, Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate University where I teach others how to create wealth from home with blogger web sites and free traffic. It’s a fabulous way to make income online!

My Other Business Website: